Monday, August 18, 2014

"Don't F... My Job"

Mural at Alcântara, Lisbon: workers protest in front of the Parliament.
According to Internal Security report, 2.859 protests/demonstrations took place in Portugal in 2013.
This post is linked to Monday Mural


biebkriebels said...

You have your freedom to protest and people use their rights. That is democracy...

Kate said...

Were they protesting economic discrepancy?

Mersad said...

Really colorful mural and with an important message behind it.

Mersad Donko Photography

Pam said...

You always make Lisbon seem like such an interesting city. Nice that this mural gives a look into the current cultural climate.

Sharon said...

Sometimes it's the only way to get attention on an issue.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's a lot of discontent Jose, wonder how long the mural will be there!

Sami said...

I like the mural,and the message it conveys. But, that's a lot of protests in a year!

Sylvia K said...

A colorful mural and a great way to protest!! It seems there is a lot of discontent almost everywhere today! Terrific post, Jose!

Merisi said...

Wow, that is an immense mural, really beautiful and with a powerful message!

Halcyon said...

Nice way to remember these events.

Photo Cache said...

this is a wonderful mural.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

I find it creepy as well as powerful. Not sure I'd be won over by the message in the atmosphere.

Anonymous said...

great picture!!! love the colours!

RedPat said...

Good one, JM!

William Kendall said...

Quite an array of colours!

Stickup Artist said...

That's a beautiful mural. I love the flow created by the clothing, color, graphics, and postures. Things are heating up here too but only in "minority" communities. I don't understand why the middle class does not get involved as they are under attack as well. I didn't make this up but can't remember the source "the politics of oppression turns the oppressed against themselves."

Randy said...

Interesting mural.

Petrea Burchard said...

I imagine so much unrest comes from Portugal's economic situation? It's a good mural, a tough time.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Almost 3000 demonstrations to preserve and promote jobs? Here all you get is the occasional protest and lots of professional lobbying. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

orvokki said...

Fantastic mural!

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

We've had a few here in Malaysia in recent times too

Duncan In Kuantan

VP said...

Strong and well done!