Friday, September 5, 2014

Watching The Ships Go By

Espelho d'Água (check the two previous posts)


Joan Elizabeth said...

I lived for a while in an apartment overlooking the cruise terminal. There is a daydreaming magic watching the cruise ships come and go.

VP said...

This would be the perfect place for me...

Diane said...

Ahhhh memories of our fantastic cruise last year. Diane

Sylvia K said...

I do love living near the water as I did in Seattle and I miss it now that I'm in Portland. There is a magic indeed in watching the ships come and go! Great shots for the day as always! Enjoy a wonderful weekend, Jose!!

Sharon said...

Looks like you found the perfect spot (and beverage) to sit and watch the ships go by.
Loved your comment about Hercule Poirot. I can so see him coming down those stairs. When I was in London last November, I made a point of searching out the apartment building that was always used to depict where he lived. I found it but, wouldn't you know, it was covered in scaffolding for some renovations so I wasn't able to get the photo of it I wanted.

Birdman said...

This looks like a river cruise. I'm thining of one of these.

Unknown said...

@Birdman: It's the mouth of the Tagus River estuary. It will take just a couple of minutes for the ship to be in the ocean.

orvokki said...

Wonderful place for watching.

RedPat said...

Wow - a gorgeous building and a fabulous view!

William Kendall said...

I really do like that contrast between the ship and the people in the first shot, Jose. Beautiful pics!

Anonymous said...

What a neat view!

Randy said...

Looks like great place to watch.