Monday, December 21, 2015

Desassossego (Unquietness)

Building about to (?) be restored at downtown
This post is linked to Monday Mural


Tom said...

Nice "Body" of work!

LuiZ FernandoS said...

What is this: a theater, a storage?

Lowell said... sounds as though you are a bit skeptical of its prospects for restoration. Looks like a nice building, so I hope it happens at some point.

Petrea Burchard said...

I could look at this picture for hours. There's something about it. So much to see.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I'm amused by the body language of the sign. Hopefully the project will be realized. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

EG CameraGirl said...

There's a lot of detail in this!

William Kendall said...

Fascinating imagery!

Rhodesia said...

Interesting photo. Diane

Bob Crowe said...

Wonderful photo. The building and light is very still but the artwork is disturbing - hence unquiet.

Arija said...

Such wonderful detail! Have a vey happy Christmas Manuel.

Gunn said...

Beautiful details and I like the "lines" in this image.


Arija said...

A thousand abject apologies for getting sour name wrong José; my brain seems to have gone or holiday.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas none the less.

Unknown said...

@Arija: Apologies accepted, no problem at all! :-)))