This is what's behind the doors I posted yesterday as seen from the upper choir, the only place where you are allowed to take photos (what I really found difficult to do...). Click to enlarge both pics for a better view of the church even though they don't do it justice...
Just as amazing as the doors! Magnificent.
Those "lacy" columns are really something!
What a church!
Gorgeous JM! That place is huge.
The detail is amazing! The columns especially.
I was sure that such a wonderful door leads to even more wonderful inside. Marvelous!
Its a unique place !!
Amazing from the inside :)
É lindo mesmo! Às vezes esquecemo-nos, não é?!
Tudo de bom!
This church looks gorgeous. I'm amazed at all the carvings on the columns. It would take a long to see all those carvings.
I was going to ask you something of the inside in yesterday comment... This is a triumph of the Manueline style and a great church. Wonderful images, they really need to be enlarged for a full appreciation. Great post!
This is incredibly ornate and the photographs are superb, the windows, the sunlight and the detail of the stonework. Wonderful.
wowo , this is really huge and beautiful inside !
This church just expresses prosperity of Portugal.
It is the greatness that I am made to admire.
Thank you for showing a grand work.
Some magnificent details on those huge, tallllll pillars! I'd hate to have to change the ceiling light bulbs there!
It's huge. And I can imagine it was a challenge to get some good shots. As VP said, the pictures give the full effect when enlarged. It's a fantastic place!
Nice work, JM!
Wow JM, that church is AMAZING!
Thank you so much for taking us behind those amazing doors. These are truly awe inspiring. The scale of this church is huge. I love the second photo with the child leaning against the ornate column.
Impressive interior!
So this was it. I see what you mean..wow, the intricacy in each of those columns & windows not to mention the ceiling! I just wonder how long it took to build this? So fascinating. At least you were able to get these shots- thanks.
Ya..it's Portuguese all right. My husband's side. Were you born and raised in Portugal? This nationality makes me grin..not smile, Ha..in jest-
The perspective is so tall...
Golly, I didn't think it would me more impressive than the door is---but the inside is. Look at all the design on each post and pillar. Interesting. MB
I think from that spot, you can show how huge that place it. It looks scary.
Magnificent! It is everything that those doors promised, and more. I feel like I'm under a mountain. Absolutely fantastic!
Eu aumentei a imagem e realmente as colunas são tomadas completamente de maravilhosos pequenos detalhes!
( ahhh degustamos muitaaaa champagne sim! Bommmm!)
It would be hard to focus on mass in such an elegant church. So beautiful
So huge and all the pillars carved so delicately, I loved the light streaming in through the stained glass too, a really special old church. The doors did lead to something spectacular.
churches are always great for photography
Tenho que ir, que vergonha, acho que a ultima vez foi quando era criança! É lindo....
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