Friday, July 16, 2010

Not Yellow but still a Submarine

Installation by Rigo 23, a portuguese artist living in San Francisco, on display at the CCB, Lisbon


Olivier said...

superbe cette creation...

Sharon said...

What an interesting display. It's worth enlarging to see all the detail. This looks like something I might find at the Heard Museum here in Phoenix.

Halcyon said...

And I guess they all live there too?

Lowell said...

Fantastic! I wonder if all the different people represent the world's population and the sub represents the earth as we sail through the sea of space?

tapirgal said...

This one has me laughing. I just love the mindset to come up with that. And, it's fun to look at.

Re: 5th Avenue Deco. You must have been looking up, up, up. So many choices! I think I almost missed it, too.

Judy said...

Wonderful and fun work of art.

B SQUARED said...

Kind of a modern day ark.

brattcat said...

Wow. I could spend hours with this.

VP said...

Nobody will convince me that this is art, but this guy has fantasy and skills.

Small City Scenes said...

This is really incredible. I love it and all the little people too.
what fun. MB

Photo Cache said...

very unique creation.

T. Becque said...

First, thanks, now I have that song stuck in my head! :) Next, thank you for exposing us to so much art! Last, interesting piece, I would guess the meaning to be along the lines of, that we're all in it together.

Stefan Jansson said...

This was a bit different. And I like different!

Dina said...

Makes me wonder what Noah's ark would look like as a submarine.

Serra said...

This is art :))