Thursday, July 15, 2010

Roof tiles

Old house patio at Oeiras


Dina said...

Well stacked. Nice shot!

Olivier said...

belle photo graphique

brattcat said...

I, too, love the surprising form something like roof tiles or road cones make when stacked this way.

Small City Scenes said...

Interesting shot. I like roof tiles.

Sharon said...

I love all the patterns here. I see stacks of tiles like these quite often here in Arizona and I love to look at the patterns they make.

B SQUARED said...

Those look like newer tiles, not the old barrel style.

Cezar and Léia said...

Que ótimo achado! Ficou maravilhoso, uma linda foto!
Léia :)

stromsjo said...

I just had the tiles replaced on a reasonably modern roof. A daunting task and only for folks with no fear of heights...

Halcyon said...

A wonderful photo! You really have a great eye.

Lowell said...

Cool graphic and artistic shot. But what are they doing on a patio?

VP said...

Familiar shapes caught in an intriguing pattern...

Roberto Machado Alves said...

Gosto muito desse tipo de foto. Buscar, nas paisagens urbanas, coisas que passam despercebidas pela maioria das pessoas é muito interessante. É um olhar diferente.

Um abraço

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

JM, your photos are wonderful and you are like a self-contained National Geographic. Oh, the places you have seen!

Thanks for commenting on my new blog -- I will be visiting here often. Merci

gogouci said...

Lovely pattern. Great catch. Have a great weekend.

T. Becque said...

Oooh, lines and more lines! Nice geometric shot!

Liquid Rubber said...

Well i am also interested in that kind of natural and unexpected photo shots.Really good nice photo.

tapirgal said...

Oooooh. This is the kind of photo I'd love to take. Fantastic colors and shapes. There's something very compelling about it.

Thanks for visiting my new "On the Pavement" blog :) I've resisted starting it for months, but you pushed me over the edge.

Joan Elizabeth said...

Beautiful shapes. I like the abstraction of it.

Lisergic Synaesthesiae said...

Like this chaotic pattern of lines and webs!