Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Installation by Os Gémeos on display at the CCB

Exhibit visitors interaction, not a band! :-)


irinapictures said...

Singing and talking speakers, I like the idea. So many meanings.

B SQUARED said...

My ears are starting to ring.

Jill said...

Now this is amazingly cool!

Olivier said...

tres original, au debut je croyais que c'etait des boites aux lettres ;) mis en musique cela doit bien rendre

Cezar and Léia said...

Que ideia genial!Tenho certeza que o Cezar cairia nas graças daquela "bateria"! Muito 10 essa exposiçao!

brattcat said...

Clever, clever, clever work of art.

Lowell said...

How very interesting...all of these appear to be old speakers. Now, do they speak to those who come to see them? Kinda strange but I like this installation. Perhaps it's a comment on the noise of our time where everywhere you go the din is unbearable and made worse with morons yakking on their cell phones!

Sharon said...

Oh my gosh...I love this! Very clever!

Halcyon said...

What an exhibition. I know my husband would love to try those drums. :D

glduro_marieloupe said...

Grande achado, JM! Esses caras já "percorreram o mundo" mostrando sua arte. Eu adoro o estilo deles e os temas. Você já viu o castelo na Polônia decorado por eles? É fantástico! Valeu a foto!


Gunn said...

Coooool, FUN and Unique!:) said...

I hope that the speakers are not all playing something different.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

This is just wonderful! My husband does not leave the country often as when he does I have been known to buy "interesting art" for our home while he is gone. This would definitely qualify! LOVE it!

Judy said...

This is so fun!

Birdman said...

Hilarious post.

joo said...

Interesting idea - some of them are so funny!

VP said...

Let's say that this is funny, original and quite good.

Serline said...

Very intriguing!

Photo Cache said...

clever and interesting and without a doubt a fun place to visit.

Kaori said...

That looks like so much fun! What an original project :D

Randy said...

Interesting installation! It does look like fun.

Louis la Vache said...

ha ha ha ha!
It looks like a bunch of pre-school children screaming for a snack!

Small City Scenes said...

This is very cool. They all have something to say or to sing about or maybe shout. Great!!! MB

Virginia said...

Oh silly me. I thought this was some new speakers available at a store near you! :) I still like it . Very fun.

T. Becque said...

Neat idea, fun photo! It would be a good backdrop for a band though.

Dina said...

What fun!

Dean Grey said...

How whimsical and fun!
