Saturday, August 7, 2010

Have a Seat

Benches at the entrance hall and yard of the Santo António Church at Estoril


brattcat said...

Beautiful, JM, simply beautiful.

Halcyon said...

Beautiful! I love those blue tiles. I could stop and sit here for awhile, for sure.

Bill said...

When I first saw the above photograph and before I read the text, I said, that must be in Portugal. I love those blue Portuguese tiles.

Birdman said...

The blue tiles grabbed me right a way. Super!

Sharon said...

A good place to sit and contemplate the beauty surrounding you.

Small City Scenes said...

First of all the tiles are wonderful. And the first bench reminded me of a place to do ones penance or wait to see the principal. but I was good in school.Yes I was!!! MB

magiceye said...

so beautiful....

Dina said...

The top bench is so shiny clean (and easy to clean under).

Cezar and Léia said...

Lindo azul e o banco faz um efeito maravilhoso também, um contraste, até um pouco moderno para o lugar, mas em perfeita harmonia!
Suas fotos são ótimas JM, vc sempre talentoso com sua camera! ;)
Um lindo domingo!
*** as praias aí em Oeiras estão muito lotadas de turistas?
Léia said...

We were surprised and delighted to discover such extensive use of ceramic tiles in Portugal.

Lowell said...

Those blue tiles with the various designs and scenes are quite amazing. I'd guess this church is very old, too. If I recall correctly from a previous post, tile is still being used today in Portugal.

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Beautiful and lovely shot JM !!Great post !!

VP said...

Those bench are a great place to observe the decorations of the room itself. You know you will be aBoB-ed again...

Judy said...

A seat surrounded by great beauty!

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

They look like Delft blue,
Melbourne Daily Photo

joo said...

I love those blue tiles!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

JM, this is stunning! I am thinking that I need to put Oeiras on my list of "must dos."

Thank you for showing this incredible tile work.

T. Becque said...

Once again your lovely blue tile! I can just picture little old ladies clustered on the seat talking before the service.

Jill said...

I love tile! Very cool!

Hilda said...

I want a better view of the wall with the monks. Wondering what the scene's all about. Hint, hint. :)

Francisca said...

Tiles are cool... no exception, these. :-)

Dean Grey said...

They don't make tiles like that anymore!


Virginia said...

I love all of your photos but I especially love the fabulous tilework you share with us. This is so lovely. You are a lucky guy, do you know that? HA
You live in such a gorgeous place. I must come visit you one day>

Sylvia K said...

Exquisite captures of tiles that you simply don't see anymore! Fantastic, JM, love the colors! Hope you have a great week!
