Lindas! Maravilhosas flores que "vocês" trouxeram para o Brasil! Aqui nós as temos de todas as cores, desde brancas até as fúcsias como estas da sua fotografia. As cidades históricas de Minas Gerais são cobertas de bougainvilles em todo se esplendor. Maravilhosa foto a sua!
Beautiful! Wonderful flowers that "you" brought to Brazil! Here we have them in every color from white to fuchsia as those of your photo. The historic cities of Minas Gerais are covered of Bougainville throughout its splendor. Wonderful picture yours!
It's such a beautiful plant. Shame I can't grow it here! As for your the photo on my haiku - it was taken last September in Rathlin Island. Marvellous place, one of my favourites!
When I was 5 in Borneo, with my sis who was 3, we pretended to be brides. There was a giant bush of bouganvillea, but not as richly blooming as you. We tried to break off branches to make our bouquet. We got pricked and Mum told us off. Now as adults, we still talk about it.
Re: Malacca, if you go around Christmas, you will be pleasantly surprised. In a Muslim country, they Portuguese village light up the whole village and anyone is welcomed. Even inside the houses for cookies and juice.
I love this plant and none better than it's bright pink form. Too cold for it to grow around here but just a few kilometres down the mountain it appears as we get to nearer Sydney where the climate is warm.
Incredible. Bougainvillea is very beautiful but I hate the damn stuff. We had several big bushes next to our pool at our house in Ocala...they always died in the winter and had to trimmed way back and I always got stuck by the thorns multiple times in places I'd rather not describe, and then the thorns would fall in the pool and we had a vinyl liner pool (20,000 gallons) which posed a real problem. We finally, after 4 1/2 years, pulled them out and replaced them with less colorful and easier-to-handle bushes.
Now, in South Florida, it stays warm enough that these things thrive and look like your photo!
We have lots of these back home. They come in all kinds of colors thanks to modern science.
ils sont beau, c'est une fleur que j'aime bien
Lindas! Maravilhosas flores que "vocês" trouxeram para o Brasil! Aqui nós as temos de todas as cores, desde brancas até as fúcsias como estas da sua fotografia. As cidades históricas de Minas Gerais são cobertas de bougainvilles em todo se esplendor. Maravilhosa foto a sua!
Beautiful! Wonderful flowers that "you" brought to Brazil! Here we have them in every color from white to fuchsia as those of your photo. The historic cities of Minas Gerais are covered of Bougainville throughout its splendor. Wonderful picture yours!
Sonho!!!Lindas flores!
Léia :)
Beautiful but boy do they have thorns inside. We used to have them when we lived in Phoenix but they won't grow here in Santa Fe.
A beautifully full bush! The one blooming in my back yard is not quite that full!
I LOVE bougainvillea. But it doesn't grow well where I live now either. I think it's a very Mediterranean plant. The color of this one is fantastic!
Gorgeous flowers and colors! We do have lots of them here in Seattle. They never fail to take my breath away. Hope your week is going well, JM!
Gorgeous! I think these are so pretty but they will not grow here in the high Arizona mountains.
Opulence, dites-vous ? Somptueux !
One of the most brilliantly colored flowers. Alas, they don't grow here. Not hot enough. MB
I can't imagine anything more pink than this!
what a pinky bunch of flowers !
It's such a beautiful plant. Shame I can't grow it here!
As for your the photo on my haiku - it was taken last September in Rathlin Island. Marvellous place, one of my favourites!
When I was 5 in Borneo, with my sis who was 3, we pretended to be brides. There was a giant bush of bouganvillea, but not as richly blooming as you. We tried to break off branches to make our bouquet. We got pricked and Mum told us off. Now as adults, we still talk about it.
Re: Malacca, if you go around Christmas, you will be pleasantly surprised. In a Muslim country, they Portuguese village light up the whole village and anyone is welcomed. Even inside the houses for cookies and juice.
We went one year and were very impressed.
I love this plant and none better than it's bright pink form. Too cold for it to grow around here but just a few kilometres down the mountain it appears as we get to nearer Sydney where the climate is warm.
Incredible. Bougainvillea is very beautiful but I hate the damn stuff. We had several big bushes next to our pool at our house in Ocala...they always died in the winter and had to trimmed way back and I always got stuck by the thorns multiple times in places I'd rather not describe, and then the thorns would fall in the pool and we had a vinyl liner pool (20,000 gallons) which posed a real problem. We finally, after 4 1/2 years, pulled them out and replaced them with less colorful and easier-to-handle bushes.
Now, in South Florida, it stays warm enough that these things thrive and look like your photo!
Makes my eyes happy!
Overwhelming, almost.
Fascinating to read about Jacob's struggles with these ones.
I've had a few encounters with the Bougainvillea and found it difficult to do them justice in a photo.
Appear pink clouds ... ah is the paradise!
Magnificent shot, thanks for sharing!
Exquisite colours!
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