I am captivated by this view. The whiteness of the buildings, the orange roofs against the blue of the sea and sky seen from the shadows of a cool alcove. I am constantly amazed at how well old neighborhoods are kept up in Europe. It's a totally different mindset that I so admire.
...and I was thinking that I would love this photo better without the cruise ships. Beautiful shot, JM and the balanced framing in blue is perfectly suited to the scene!
"O Tejo é mais belo que o rio que corre pela minha aldeia, Mas o Tejo não é mais belo que o rio que corre pela minha aldeia Porque o Tejo não é o rio que corre pela minha aldeia." [...]
LOVE cruise ships. LOVE to cruise!
How can you not fall in love with Lisboa (as I did), watching photos like this! This view, a Carlos Paredes CD, a glass of vinho verde... Happiness.
Someone got a decent view.
What a lovely old neighborhood! Love the view! And, of course, I love to cruise also! Terrific shot as always, JM!
"Someone" has a beautiful view!
Such huge ships on the Tejo? I didn't know that... Must be exciting to get on a cruise!
God bless you!
Gorgeous view--you must post some pics of the pretty longlegged Tagus River pink birds. And remove the cruise ships. MB
Wow,what a view! I think I'd love living here.
I am captivated by this view. The whiteness of the buildings, the orange roofs against the blue of the sea and sky seen from the shadows of a cool alcove. I am constantly amazed at how well old neighborhoods are kept up in Europe. It's a totally different mindset that I so admire.
...and I was thinking that I would love this photo better without the cruise ships. Beautiful shot, JM and the balanced framing in blue is perfectly suited to the scene!
I would love to have that view,and I love to cruise so that would be fun watching the ships leave port....Barb
I think I"ll pass on the cruise ships and just stay right here on this balcony and enjoy the view!!
I have to say that someone has the breathaking view from his/her house! Lucky one!!!
I like the roofs and the wide blue river, the cruise ships add a sense of proportion to this beautiful image.
When I lived in Sydney my bedroom window used to look out on cruise ships like that ... it was fun to dream of where they were taking people.
The view is magnificent!
As I recall, Columbus and his three ships sailed out on the Tagus...right?
Another gorgeous photo with stunning colors. The ships really set it off. So many varied intersecting lines and angles. Well done, JM!
I'll take it! When can they be out, ha ha. That is an amazing view!
I love this image. Are those cruise ships? I didn't realize that they stop there too. Have a lovely week.
nice view , a postcard :)
"O Tejo é mais belo que o rio que corre pela minha aldeia,
Mas o Tejo não é mais belo que o rio que corre pela minha aldeia
Porque o Tejo não é o rio que corre pela minha aldeia." [...]
Fernando Pessoa é imbatível nestas horas ...
Wow ♪
it's just a dreamy scenery for us.(*´ェ`*)
Thank you for sharing !!
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