Wednesday, June 29, 2011

One King + Bushy Roofs

Statue of King João I at Figueira Square, Lisbon


cieldequimper said...

I love those 'messy' roofs!

Can you upload pictures???

Olivier said...

tres belle statue qui ressort bien avec ce ciel

Anonymous said...

That is a neat building with the 'bushy' roof!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Very impressive sculpture against that skyline JM.

Cezar and Léia said...

Impressive sculpture! :)

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Nice shot of the colorful roofs under the blue skies... puffy clouds and a few birds frame this statue nicely.


Cildemer said...

Linda estátua! E muito bon enquadramento! Gosto céu nebulado e do movimento dos passaros por cima dos telhados também!

Bjos e feliz dia, José****

Sharon said...

The King looks very proud sitting atop his handsome steed!

Sylvia K said...

Terrific capture as always, JM, and I love the "messy" roofs, too!! Great composition and lovely skies! Hope your week is going well!


Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Bela fotografia de importante Escultura....
Um abraço

Leif Hagen said...

I don't think King Joao is getting anywhere very quickly....

VP said...

Great! I have never seen roofs like these! The pose of the horse is bit awkward...

T. Becque said...

I love bushy roofs as you call them, we don't have those here! I can't imagine the amount of heat that's generated on our rooftops when it's 111 out, I just don't think any plant is up to surviving that! (That's an update on our temps, I thought the 108 was bad) :(

Babzy.B said...

A great compo !

Julie said...

Busy roofs! What can he be thinking, I thought to myself. Bushy roofs!!

I agree, however. They appear to have 'gone to seed'. Maybe they are like a block of modern flats where the outside appearance is mandated by the Body Corporate: 'YOU WILL ALL HAVE THE SAME BUSH. IT WILL ALL GO LANKY AND OVERGROWN AT THE SAME TIME'.

For mine, I would love to see pot of brightly coloured flowers replace these bushes ...

brattcat said...

He looks as if he's ready to come right off that plinth.

Maude Lynn said...

Perfectly composed shot!

Jack said...

This is a first for me. I can
't remember ever having seen bushy roofs like this. I wonder why they do it.

Dina said...

I like your title.

Halcyon said...

He's looking a bit worn. ;)

Sérgio Pontes said...

Gostei do titulo =)


Francisca said...

If not for y9our title, I would have missed the bushes. Are they planted or invasive? Don't think I'd be very happy to wear that armour your king has on, but on a horse, these guys always look rather impressive, don't they...