Condos at Nova Oeiras
In 2002 eleven directors from different countries have shown their perspectives in one movie called 11'09"01 September 11. All segments are fantastic but this is my favourite, written and directed by Sean Penn, starring Ernest Borgnine.
Many people, including a large number of architects and engineers, think there is still a lot to be investigated, but whether we know the whole truth or not, the victims will always be remembered and we must not forget about the nearly one thousand first responders either who have been killed by cancer.
You have captured the form of the Twin Towers in a very perceptive way. Your photo of the Twin Towers on your Traveling website is also very fitting for today.
Thanks for sharing this link. I had not seen it.
Our government has real problems in coming together to cover the medical costs of first responders. Those individuals are facing what can be a final chapter in their lives and the government insists they bear the burden themselves. In spite of their responding to impossible odds, they did respond but didn't know they were going to be "on their own."
Thanks for the links, I had not seen them.
a beautiful tribute jm
Just watched the Sean Penn video, so very sad, lovely tribute JM.
Thank you for the links, JM, and thank you for a lovely post.
É realmente um dia inesquecível
I think this event has changed the lives of people around the globe in the way that no other event has. Those who have died will never be forgotten.
15 years ago, we visited NY from Singapore. twin Towers was my husband's must visit destination.
Wow, JM this photo is a perfect tribute! And, I had not seen the Sean Penn film before and I loved it. Thanks for sharing the link. A very powerful film making indeed. I'm going to jump over to your travel site and look at the photo you posted there.
Thanks for sharing this. Have a wonderful Sunday.
Darn I sent it before I was done. This film was absolutely wonderful. I will have to pass it on.
Even after ten years the remembrance can still make me weep.
Thanks for the tribute. 9-11 is one of those events that everyone remembers in context: where they were and what they were doing at the time. It is seared on our collective consciousness.
Thank you, JM, for your very sensitive tribute.
I can't share your enthusiasm for that movie, or at least for some of these segments. Movie directors aren't famous for their understanding of how the world works. I would also be really curious to know what still remains to be known about this horrendous crime and their perpetrators...
le b&w est tout simplement magnifique et inquietant a la fois
You seem to be saying that nature dwarfs us, even though we are capable of destroying ourselves.
We remember! God bless!
call South Africa
Almost a thousand died afterwards, from inhaling that crap?! Oh that's awful.
And Abe's info makes it worse.
Excellent, José. I did not know about this movie and Penn's segment is very powerful on many levels.
I have read and seen too much on the "truth seekers" point of view, and some go too far in their accusations without clear evidence; but there IS evidence that something is awfully wrong with the investigations and official reports so far. NO one in mainstream media mentions W7, and that raises the BS flag for me.
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