Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Oeiras train station yard
I'm not sure the fruits will survive this week storms...


Sharon said...

I hope the survive. Those are quite large fruit, it would be a shame to lose them.

Carolina Louback said...

Que pena se os frutos não sobreviverem. Gosto muito de Papaia com Cassis. Delícia.

Olivier said...

cela serait dommage que cet arbre soit detruit par la tempete, les fleurs sont belles

Sylvia K said...

Lovely tree and a great capture as always, JM! I do hope the fruits survive! Hope your week is going well!


Al said...

I've never seen this on the tree before. I'm sure it wouldn't survive the storm we're getting today, as it's all snow!

Art said...

This was a wonderful picture of the tree!
I hope the fruits survive!

Cezar and Léia said...

Lindo lindo e delicioso!Ai que vontade!

Lowell said...

It would be a shame if they were decimated!

We don't have these in north central Florida but I think they grow in south Florida. What storms???

Judy said...

That is a wonderful looking tree. I don't think I have ever seen one before.

Julie said...

I was at a holiday house last weekend with my brothers, and the back yard had three pawpaw trees in it. I watched as, over the 4 days, any near ripe fruit was devoured by marauding birds. Beautiful orange flesh ... stripped ...

Randy said...

I love dried papaya! I hope they are strong enough to withstand the winds.

Clytie said...

Impressive fruit - the flowers are beautiful too - I hope they survive!

I have to say I've never seen papayas on a tree before. This is cool!!!

Mildred said...

Linda foto de uma árvore curiosa! As folhas fazem lembrar folhas de figueira mas flores são muito mais lindas!
E a mim, essa árvore faz lembrar uma história engraçada que se conta aqui mas que vai ser dificil transpor em português. Mas vou tentar;o)
Papaye pronuncia-se igual que papaille, e papaille é a palavra paille = palha) pronunciada por um gago.
Então quando se pregunta a uma pessoa como é que se apanham as "papayes", este deve responder: "avec une foufourche!= "Com uma forforquilha!"

Bjos e feliz dia****

Joan Elizabeth said...

I am familiar with pawpaws (as we call them) but have not noticed that they form out of the flowers like can be seem in this photo.

Kate said...

If not, you have the photo to "savor."

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That would be a shame JM, they're just not quite ready yet. They do make a great image.

irinapictures said...

I hope fruits and people will survive.

VP said...

Papaya fruits at the train station, I would like to see something like this here. In Pisa they have wild oranges...

Francisca said...

We have an abundance of papayas here, too, but I don't think I've ever seen the flower and fruit together. DID these survive? Obviously you did. We have a mango tree in our yard and it had ONE large mango when the last typhoon came through. We didn't think it would make it either, but it did (and so did we)! The mango was delicious...

Serra said...

Zé, onde é que tu foste descobrir esta papaieira?! É enorme!