Lisbon Cathedral dates back to the 12th century (romanic style) and was built by order of Afonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, after having conquered the town to the Moors in 1147.
The gothic and barroque styles result of enlargements made in the 14th and 17th centuries. It is one of the buildings that survived the big earthquake that destroyed the city in 1755.
It's magnificent JM. So glad it survived the earthquake. I would love to be able to hear those bells I see up there in those towers!
I love seeing it up close and then at a distance. How often do the bells sound?
belle cathédrale, j'aime bien la vue depuis la rue, une sensation d'infini avant de pouvoir l'approcher
nice cathedral, I like view well since the street, a feeling of infinity before being able to approach it
Solid constructions those days!!
It's massive!
Sure glad something survived that huge earthquake!
It's simply beautiful:)
Olá JM!
Eu tirei uma foto com angulo parecido com essa sua foto da Catedral, lógicamente que sua foto está perfeita!
Você é um excelente fotógrafo e sabe valorizar o seu "clic"!
Nós não entramos na igreja, nem lembro mais qual foi o motivo,mas sinto que perdemos uma ótima oportunidade.É uma pena mesmo.Mais um motivo para voltarmos!
Abraços do Brasil
It's a spetacular building and must be very well built to survive such a long time...a treasure to be enjoyed and cared for.
What a wonderful piece of history. It gives a whole new perpective on what we in the US call old.
Sternly beautiful in its simplicity. Isn't it amazing how many churches always survive the worst of natural and human made disasters?
Beautiful Church and thanks for the explanations !
Great, beautiful temple!
I love the second photo - splendid perspective!
There's just something about these ancient cathedrals that enthrall me and it hasn't anything to do with religious feeling...the structures are amazing and the fact they've last all these years is hard to believe....
I've said before, in Florida, when something gets 20 years old, we tear it down and put up something new and paint it pink or peach!
Love your photos! Dramatic!
«Louis» is always interested in posts about the great cathedrals of Europe, so he appreciates this one!
This kind of architecture should withstand a lot and so it did, fortunately. "Seven", says the clock on the wall. Is this a morning or evening shot?
Looking at the people at the bottom, makes you understand how huge that is. Hard to imagine anything that old.
That is a beautiful architecture.
I love cathedrals both outside and inside. Outside I love their presence and the welcome of the bells. Inside their huge quiet space lit by stained glass is peaceful and made glorious when filled the sound of the pipe organ and choir.
This one looks particularly solid and assuring.
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